Brooklyn Boulders Foundation X OutdoorFest X Adaptive Climbing Group are hosting a climbing competition with an adaptive twist: try climbing blindfolded, strong climbing with only the arms, using only one leg, or one arm. Baller prizes from REI, Arcteryx, Adidas, Biolite and Brooklyn Boulders.
Climbing Blind: A paired competition, the climber is blindfolded (unless already blind). Their partner guides their climbing with Beta. The Climber must stay on route and complete route to count towards competition. Winners determined by best time/ farthest completion. Rules: Must have point of contact on wall during the climb. Hands off means climb is done.
Look Ma! Just Hands: Climbing routes by campusing (hands only) up routes. Rules: Cannot “jump” on holds. The motion of a jumping motion in swing with legs to reach next hold. Must have point of contact during entires ascent.
Hop to It: Climbers to choose one leg to climb with for entire route. Rules: Cannot switch feet during route.
With One Hand Behind My Back: One-armed bouldering routes. The goal is to achieve best time, or go the farthest on dedicated routes.
This is an adaptive-style climbing competition for both able-boiled and disabled climbers. Male and Female prizes for each category.
BKB Members $20, Non BKB Members $25
Early bird May 15 to May 31 $5 off
June 7th, 2017 | Brooklyn Boulders Gowanus | 575 Degraw