Hiking NYC to Canada
Wednesday, 2/5, 7:00PM
Eastern Mountain Sports Soho
What does it take to hike from Manhattan to Canada? John Fox presents on his journey and the incredible wilderness of the Northeast.
Ski Wax Basics
Wednesday, 2/5, 7:00PM
REI Soho
Waxing your skies or board is a "need to know" skill for skiers and riders. Free class.
Make A Surfboard
Thursday-Sunday, 2/6-2/9
Patagonia Bowery
In case you missed the class last week - there's another!
Tree Identification
Saturday, 2/8, 3:00PM
Brooklyn Bridge Park
Learn to identify trees, plants & berries.
Orienteering in CP
Saturday, 2/8, 11:00AM
Belvedere Castle (Central Park)
Navigate with a map and compass - good for beginners.
Knife skills
Monday, 2/10, 6:15PM
Tent & Trails
How can I use my pocket knife in the backcountry?
Screening: Symphony of the Soil
Monday, 2/10, 6:00PM
Trees New York
Drawing from ancient knowledge and new science, Symphony of the Soil is an artistic exploration of the miraculous substance soil.