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This week in #OutdoorNYC:
Adventure Film: Red Knot
12/8 - 11, varies, IFC Center
A couple takes a honeymoon aboard a research vessel going to Antarctica. Link.
Lecture: Whales in NYC
December 11th, 7:00PM, Staten Island
The Director of Gotham Whales speaks on our local "gentle giants" of the NYC harbors. Link.
North Face Speaker Series
December 11th, 7:30PM, Symphony Space
Alex Honnold & Cedar Wright talk about Sufferfest 2: The Tower of Pain. Link.
Yoga for Runners
December 11th, 7:00PM, Jack Rabbit UWS
Yoga class designed specifically for runners. Link.
Ugly Sweater Party
December 14th, 6:00PM, Brooklyn Boulders
Startup Rock Climbing + BKB throw a holiday climbing party! Link.
Ladies Shred Night
December 16th, 6:00PM, Snowmotion
Trampoline coaching, demos & nutrition for female snowboarders. Link.