2019 Schedule


Thank you for being a part of OutdoorFest Year 6! So psyched to get more people outdoors and connected with nature around NYC. Here are a few key q & a's to make the process easy for you. Any additional questions can be directed to sarah@outdoorfest.com

Q. What do I need to do to participate? 

  1. Host an outdoorsy event anytime between June 3 and 9th.

  2. Have the word OutdoorFest somewhere in the event title and a link to our full schedule somewhere in the event description

  3. Send at least 1x dedicated email + social media blast to your network about OutdoorFest to help share the love for all events

  4. Hang up the OF community partner banner at your event

  5. Get people outside! 

  6. If you’re event has a price tag, offer a compelling discount for our VIPS

  7. Extra Credit: Create an organizational profile on MappyHour.org (you must have a personal profile first): https://mappyhour.org/node/add/organization

Q. How do I sign up?

Send sarah@outdoorfest.com an email including:

  • Name of event

  • Time and date of event

  • Description of event

  • Location and directions to event

  • Registration link

  • Send me a link to your listing on MappyHour.org (or your “ABOUT” page on your own website)

  • An awesome high res photo

  • Address where we can ship goodies (banner, snacks, etc.)

  • Your social media handles


We will be updating the schedule on the following dates. Your submission will be added accordingly:

March 25

April 15

May 6

Q. Is there a cost to participate?


Q. How does registration work?

You will manage registration. If you have a price point on the registration you will need to have the capacity to apply our VIPs codes for them to redeem a discount!

Q. How do we get pictures of our events / buzz in front of more people?

Our advice: Do something unique. We actively pitch media on the entire schedule so the more "interesting" + "unique" your activity, the more likely it will get picked up.  Here are some stories that have been picked up in the past: outdoorfest.com/press.

Q. In previous years, OutdoorFest has sent volunteers, is that happening this year?

Not automatically. If you're interested in a photographer / writer please contact Sarah and she'll work on sending one!

Q. Is there a partner party ?

YES! Either May 30 or May 31, details coming soon....

Q. I want a t-shirt

Come to the party!