Join the Amateur Astronomer's Association for a night of celestial observations.
Here's a teaser from AAA:
Gemini and Auriga are high overhead as we begin; then they follow Taurus and Orion in sliding down the western sky. Brilliant Sirius dominates the southwest. The Pleiades and Hyades star clusters, and the star-forming region known as the Orion Nebula, are great sights early in our session, before they sink behind the East Side buildings. The Double Cluster in Perseus and the Alpha Persei Association, as they rotate around the celestial pole from northwest toward the north—and the Beehive Cluster (M44) and other open clusters that will start the evening high overhead and move west—are among several deep-sky objects well placed for viewing this evening.
In late evening, Leo and Ursa Major (with its Big Dipper) will take the overhead spots, with Arcturus, in Boötes; and Vega, in Lyra, climbing the eastern sky.
Cost: free
Details: here.